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About Us

Who We Are

With more than 10 years of industry experience, we provide exceptional recruiting services to both local and overseas professionals who aim to attain successful careers in their desired fields. We have proved our excellence in both regional and overseas recruitment of talented and motivated staff from all over the world by taking a distinctive approach to recruitment that is both straightforward and honest. Furthermore, we’re experts in international recruitment, immigration, visa processing procedures, and we also help our clients attain sponsor licenses from the UK home office.

Our Values

We believe in empowering people to succeed by connecting extraordinary talent with businesses across the globe. Creating opportunities begins by gaining a complete understanding of what makes each company and candidate unique. This is accomplished by working with and listening to the client team and by conducting thorough interviews and skill evaluations with our candidates. Using this knowledge, Reliance Recruit can provide tailored workforce solutions and qualified talent that are the right fit for each company. Exceeding expectations and delivering success to our clients is something we enjoy!

Sectors we work in

Reliance Recruit, recruites and places permanent candidates in the following indiustries


Reliance Recruit focuses on the fine details of providing outstanding hospitality staffing. Adhering to only quality standards and industry practices, we fine-tune our company’s key values of leading by example and service excellence.

Care & Nursing

At Reliance Recruitment, we truly understand the struggles employers face to find the right candidates, for their job requirements. We have therefore set up a thorough process to get the best possible candidates available for our employers.

Technical Engineering

In an industry where most operations are carried out by automation and machinery, the significance of a human touch cannot be underestimated. The engineering and manufacturing industry has recently seen a period of strong upheaval due to increased global competitiveness and relocation of manufacturing facilities to low-cost countries or close to raw material supply sources.

IT & Digital

Digitalisation has caused a great paradigm shift. As more and more organisations embrace this inevitable change, the digital industry continues to struggle to meet its staffing demands. In recognition of this ever-changing IT landscape, RR stepped forward to operate at the forefront of providing people that matter.


At Reliance Recruitment, we aim to source the very best local and overseas medical professionals and place them into responsible positions within our broad client base of hospitals and healthcare facilities in the NHS and private sector. We take our medical workforce responsibilities seriously and seek to build long-lasting partnerships by championing excellence and improving access to intelligent resourcing.

Overseas Recruitment

As a result of Brexit, employers will be subject to more bureaucracy and a range of costs in recruiting all non-UK citizens from overseas. These include a sponsorship licence, visas (which could extend to dependants of the skilled migrant), and the Immigration Skills Charge for each worker. All non-UK citizens will also be subject to an Immigration Health Surcharge of £400 per year. Health and care staff are exempt from the charge. At RR, we ensure your organisation complies with the law and carry out the required checks for you.

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